
Wednesday, 31 October 2012

BLOG -- Recap of October

Happy Hallowe'en! Here's a recap of my month. As usual, if you are curious about my thoughts on anything, as always, please go ahead and ask. :)

Outings/Events in October:
- Had a wine and cheese event at work. I tried eating a block of cheese. I still don't like it.

- Celebrated three of my co-workers' birthdays. Then a friend's birthday. Then my grandfather's birthday. (What's up with all these birthdays?!)

- Karaoked for 3 hours.

- Watched Bloodless: Trials of Burke and Hare musical. It was neat and cool.

- Drank to the honour of one of my co-workers, who decided to leave the company. I'm gonna miss him :(

- I dressed up for Hallowe'en.

- (whiskey) Jack Daniels -- I took this with cola. It's good! I don't think I'd be able to take this straight, though.

- (Anime): Mushi-Shi (for the 2nd time) -- I really enjoy watching this. I was watching it in English dub this time. It's very good! I must blog about this some day.

- (Anime): Samurai Champloo (for the 2nd time) -- It's really good.

- (Movie): Perks of Being a Wallflower

- (Movie): Argo -- This was really good. Full of suspense.

- (PS2): Persona 3 -- I got the bad ending. I'll go through it again for the good ending sometime. It's good, but very long.

- (Novel): Shakugan no Shana: The Girl With Fire in Her Eyes by Yashichiro Takahashi -- It's good. Simple and light. Yet... at the same time, it's pretty deep.

- (Novel): Shakugan no Shana: Fight Day! by Yashichiro Takahashi -- This is the sequel and is very good. There's such a cute, romantic scene in there.

Playing (not all at once):
- (PS3): Record of Agarest War Zero 
- (PS3): Folklore 
- (PS3): Borderlands 2
- (PS3): Tokyo Jungle
- (DS): Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja 
- (DS): Mazes of Fate 
- (PSP): Persona
- (PSP): Hatsune Miku 2nd Diva  
- (Wii): Fortune Street 
- (PS2): Persona 3  
- (PS2): Ape Escape 3
- (PS2): Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (stopped 'cuz I have no interest in the flying sections)

- (Anime): Corpse Princess
- (Novel): JPod by Douglas Coupland

That's it for October. Here are some random photos:

Another screenshot from Persona 3

One of the pumpkins from the Pumpkin Carving Event at work. 
I didn't participate this year.

My Hallowe'en costume. It's kinda blurry.

Thanks for reading! :)

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