
Sunday, 6 January 2013

BLOG -- My Movie-Watching History (in Theatres) [2012]

Here is my movie-watching (in theatres) history for 2012. Since I'm all up to date now, I won't be putting "part 6" or whatever. It'd just become a ridiculously large number years later.

Since I will be mentioning a good number of movies in this blog, some of them will contain spoilers. Any movie that will contain a spoiler will be marked.


MOVIE: The Hunger Games [SPOILER]
DATE: March 24, 2012
RATING (OUT OF 5): ****

COMMENTS: This was a very well put-together movie. I enjoyed it, especially Peeta’s love for Katniss. I just wish that she felt the same way. Peeta’s little interactions with Katniss – like him gently touching her hair when she was counting down to them eating those poison berries… those little things cemented just how much he loved her. Gosh, I’d want a guy with such strong feelings for me.

You can read my review for it here.


MOVIE: 21 Jump Street
DATE: April 11, 2012
RATING (OUT OF 5): ****

COMMENTS: It was hilarious! I wanted to watch it mainly for Channing Tatum (I’ve liked him ever since Step Up). He acted about the same as Tyler in Step Up, which I guess isn’t really a good thing… but I don’t mind. I liked that his character became more geeky in 21 Jump Street. Mmm… a hot geeky guy… I loved the imagery of him and Jonah Hill coming out of that limo in suits and doves flying. That was really cool.


MOVIE: The Avengers [SPOILER]
DATE: May 15, 2012
RATING (OUT OF 5): ****

COMMENTS: This was really cool. But at the same time… I almost think that some of the individual movies leading up to this one were better (Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America). Maybe because you don’t get to see too much character development since that was done in the individual movies. I liked Black Widow’s character development, though. And how Hulk handled Loki in the Stark building was great. The audience was applauding to that moment. In the movie, Tony Stark was still my favourite “Avenger”. I was so scared at the end – scared that he would really die. I think they casted a good Hulk replacement, though he looks a little shady.


MOVIE: Snow White and the Huntsman
DATE: June 12, 2012
RATING (OUT OF 5): ***

COMMENTS: This movie felt forced. There were some interesting visuals, but then they would always eventually turn weird and gross. Snow White didn’t do a good job. Chris Hemsworth was really good, though.

You can read my review for it here.


MOVIE: Brave
DATE: July 4, 2012
RATING (OUT OF 5): ****

COMMENTS: It was not at all what I was expecting from the trailer, but I really enjoyed it. I cried a few times. I loved Merida’s accent.


MOVIE: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
DATE: July 7, 2012
RATING (OUT OF 5): ****

COMMENTS: It was a bloody, serious movie, despite the ridiculous premise. It really worked. That axe was really cool.

You can read my review for it here.


MOVIE: The Amazing Spider-Man [SPOILER]
DATE: July 17, 2012
RATING (OUT OF 5): *****

COMMENTS: I really enjoyed it. Andrew Garfield was great as Spider-Man, and Emma Stone was great as Gwen Stacie. I think there was a bit more humanness in this one. But I hated that Uncle Ben still died. It’s such a painful guilt.


MOVIE: The Dark Knight Rises [SPOILER]
DATE: August 23, 2012
RATING (OUT OF 5): ****

COMMENTS: This movie was terribly long. But I really enjoyed it. I couldn’t hear everything that Bane said, and it really sucked that Miranda was really the bad guy. I empathized the most with Alfred, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt was really good as usual. I loved it when Jospeh Gordon-Levitt got out of the police car holding that rifle. It made him look so bad-a**.


MOVIE: Step Up Revolution (in 3D)
DATE: September 13, 2012
RATING (OUT OF 5): ****

COMMENTS: I really enjoyed this. There was a decent enough story, and great dancing. I really liked that it featured dancing from different styles and genres – instead of the freestyle break dancing that the last two movies focused on. It’s too bad that the soundtrack isn’t as varied.


MOVIE: How to Train Your Dragon
DATE: October 20, 2012
RATING (OUT OF 5): ****

COMMENTS: I think this was overhyped for me. It was still really good and there were moments that really blew me away. The touching moments were really, really touching (with the help of the stirring, intense background music). I have minor issues with some of the scripting in the beginning. Those dragons were awesome, though.


MOVIE: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
DATE: October 23, 2012
RATING (OUT OF 5): ****

COMMENTS: Emma Watson was really good as Sam. Lerman Logan and Erza Miller were really great as well. All I thought about was how honest their characters were – and how I wanted to know more about their lives. Sam’s words really stuck with me – how she “doesn’t want to be somebody’s crush.” For some reason, I find that pretty deep.

You can read my review for it here.


DATE: October 27, 2012
RATING (OUT OF 5): ****

COMMENTS: It was really good and suspenseful. The politics of it… I’m not all that interested in. The idea of it was cool, and it was neat that there was still humour in it. I didn't realize Mendez was played by Ben Affleck. I thought he just directed the movie. What a crazy beard.


DATE: November 6, 2012
RATING (OUT OF 5): ****

COMMENTS: This was really good. The acting was great, and the world was neat. I just don’t like the horrible loophole in the story.

You can read about my thoughts about the loophole (and about Terminator's loophole) here.


MOVIE: Wreck-It Ralph [x3]
DATE: November 11, 2012
DATE: November 13, 2012 (in 3D)
DATE: November 18, 2012
RATING (OUT OF 5): *****

COMMENTS: This movie was absolutely amazing. Sarah Silverman was great as Vanellope. Ralph was great, and the emotions were great. And I could really relate to them.

You can read my review for it here.


That's it for this blog. Thanks for reading! If you have any comments about anything (even if you greatly disagree with anything I've said, or if this made you think about the movies you've watched and want to share), feel free to comment! :)

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