
Monday 14 October 2019

BLOG -- My Thanksgiving Weekend

Well, it is Thanksgiving in Canada. As I've mentioned in earlier blogs, my family doesn't really celebrate Thanksgiving. In the end, I often take this 3-day weekend as a chance to relax and catch up on whatever I need catching up on.

For this weekend, I definitely wanted to do these things:
-Watch anime
-Play video games
-Work on my New Year's Resolutions

I think, with this blog being done, I succeeded! I was hoping to do more of my New Year's Resolutions, though. There is still so much to do before the year is over!

I've been watching more of Food Wars. When I first started the series, I was completely turned off by the suggestive reactions characters would get from eating good food (I don't want to think about that while I think about yummy food!). I also thought the main character, Yukihira Soma, would be one of those prodigy genius characters who would never lose a battle. Despite my initial thoughts, I watched more because I wanted to see more creative foods. Also, I liked many of the other characters (Megumi is a superb girl!).

I'm glad I stuck with it, because it got so much better. My thoughts about Yukihira never losing a battle were thrown out the window, and I have a lot more respect for his character. While I still don't like the suggestive food reactions, I'm glad not all the food reactions are suggestive and there is a bit more variety.

I'm currently going through Season 3. I'll likely wait until Season 4 is done before starting that. I don't want to be left hanging at any cliffhanger episodes!

Edit -- October 19, 2019 -- It looks like I spoke too soon when I said not all the food reactions are suggestive. After watching the rest of Season 3, I'd say over 90% of food reactions were still suggestive. They also added flat out panty / underwear shots for some of the female characters in a few episodes. Frankly speaking, I'm not a fan. I would definitely love this series if there was less fanservice.

I was able to do "Play video games" and "Work on my New Year's Resolutions" at the same time, because of the game I was playing -- I was playing Mother (Earthbound Beginnings) on the NES. If you are wondering how I am playing Mother on an NES when it was never officially released in North America for the NES... ummm... I'll let you figure that one out. BUT -- I will say that I plan to buy Earthbound Beginnings from the Wii U eShop on my sister's Wii U the next time I visit her. While I do my best to support what I love and get things legitimately, playing Mother in English was a bit out of my reach since I don't have a Wii U. Anywho...

Playing Mother ticks off my "Work on my New Year's Resolutions" because it is one of my New Year's Resolutions ("Find 200 hours and put that towards catching up on either the Mother or Shin Megami Tensei [SMT] series"). Why that is even a New Year's Resolution... I can explain in a future blog.

So far that I've played of Mother... I can't really make a set opinion about it yet. The level grinding annoys me a bit since I don't really have time for that anymore. Some of the themes and ideas, though, I was pleasantly surprised to see in an NES game. I'm hoping that all the mysteries will eventually come together in the end. 

I have to say -- I love the music. For a long time now, I had been exposed to many of the music tracks for Mother (like "Pollyanna", "Bein' Friends", "All That I Needed (Was You)"), so it was very nice to finally hear it in the game. Seeing the scene for "All That I Needed (Was You)"... I could not stop smiling, it made me so happy.

Once I finish the series, I'll likely blog about it.

Thanks for reading!

If you have any comments or questions about anything, feel free!

I am going to take the rest of today and try to finish up Mother. I really want to know how it ends!

For those celebrating Thanksgiving, Happy Thanksgiving!
Take care and until next time! :)

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