
Friday 14 February 2020

BLOG (PERSONAL) -- My Anime Crushes

So... here is my Valentine's Day-related blog for the year. Last year I tried blogging about something serious (and failed), so here is something more light-hearted.

For me, when it comes to having an anime crush, I generally limit myself to one crush per series, with the exception of one (if you can tell from the image above). Also, having an anime crush does NOT necessarily mean I dream of being with the guy, as you will soon find out. Some guys I simply admire and enjoy their presence.

Without further ado, here are my anime crushes.

L from Death Note

Who Is He?
L is a world-renown detective trying to uncover and arrest Kira.

Why Do I Like Him?
I like his super analytical brain. I also think he's eccentric with his general posture and his intense love of sweets.

Also... I love his emo hair, hahaha.

Would I Date Him?
I'm not sure how it would go, but I would totally date him! I'd like to see if he has any other sides to him than what we saw in the series.

Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho

Who Is He?
He is... a wonderful man / demon.

Why Do I Like Him?
Because he is wonderful, hahaha. <3

To elaborate, I like his fierce loyalty to those he cares about. I also like his strategical mind and his willingness to try new things.

Also... he fights with a rose! How cool is that?! *squeee* XD

Would I Date Him?
Yes! Being around him, I would feel very safe. I'd also most likely try to introduce him to new anime series / video games, and he might agree to try them out! :D

Shinya Kogami from Psycho-Pass

Who Is He?
Kogami is an Enforcer. An Enforcer is somebody who, according to the Sybil System, can have tendencies to commit crimes, but have traded up being confined to serve under Inspectors in the Crime Investigation Department.

Why Do I Like Him?
He is... SUPER HOT. Hahaha. You see that suit and tie? You see that mysterious gaze and coy smile? Hot hot HOT! <3 <3 <3

Gushing aside, I like his ability to focus and react fast, prioritizing the safety of others. I don't particularly mind that he's an Enforcer. I can see by his actions that he would not commit a senseless crime or do something to hurt others for his own enjoyment.

Would I Date Him?
Even though he is so hot and attractive, I'd pass on dating him, because he smokes, and I'd rather see him happy with another character in the series *fingers crossed*.

Sanji from One Piece

Who Is He?
He is a kick-a** chef for the Straw Hat Pirates.

Why Do I Like Him?
I like that he can cook, and his general attitude towards food (don't waste food!). He is also very caring, though he may not always express it.

I'd also know that he'd treat me kindly, since he does that for every woman... though that could also be a fault (explained below).

Would I Date Him?
I'd have to pass on dating him. Just like Kogami, he also smokes, and I would get jealous everytime he flirts with another woman! I would hire him as a personal chef, though ^____^

Ace from One Piece

Who Is He?
He is part of the Whitebeard Pirates and Luffy's older brother.

Why Do I Like Him?
Well... his backstory really got to me. Seeing what he went through and seeing how he turned out from it, and seeing what he did in the end... I can't help but love him... unconditionally! 

It's been 7 years since reading his arc. That day, I changed my Facebook photo to me wearing Ace's hat and I haven't changed it since. He'll just always have a place in my heart and that's that!

Would I Date Him?
I don't need to. The love I have for him isn't romantic in any way. I just want to hug him and be in his company. Is that strange? Hahaha.

That's it for this blog. Thanks for reading!

Maybe if I took all the traits I liked from each of my anime crushes, I'd be able to piece together the beginnings of my "dream guy". That's what I was trying to blog about last year, and failed miserably.

I'm pretty sure I'll come across more anime crushes as I watch more series. Maybe I'll make a part 2 in the future, but, well -- I'm a pretty loyal person myself, so I guess we'll see, hahaha.

Since I share this every year around Valentine's, I am single and my outlook on it is the same as before -- unless I like somebody (and that somebody likes me back), I'd rather stay single.

Take care, stay strong, and until next time! :)

1 comment:

  1. I like all one piece anime characters but no doubt ace is one of the best. check this out Top 10 Anime Fights
