
Sunday 2 February 2020

BLOG -- Weekly Thoughts #7 -- 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak; Working on My Resolutions

As I usually say in my Weekly Thoughts blog, this may not be very interesting for you!

2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak
I'm pretty sure that whatever I say has already been said. This is just a really, really sucky time. 

When the SARS outbreak happened in Toronto, I didn't really understand what was going on, I was so young at the time. I just noticed that Chinatown was emptier than usual whenever I walked through Chinatown. When I think back on that time, I'm just really glad I didn't get infected.

Nowadays, I'm more cautious and aware. Since the outbreak, I've tried limiting my outside activities to necessities like commuting to and from work, grocery shopping, etc. I also check the Wiki page almost everyday to see if there's been any new developments. I'm also doing my best to follow some things like washing my hands more often and not touching my face (I unconsciously touch my face a lot!).

After watching the movie Contagion and playing the video game Plague Inc. Evolved, I'm relieved to see safety protocols / actions from the both the movie and video game being carried out in real life. According to the Novel Coronavirus' wiki page, treatments and vaccines are currently being researched.

I have hope that this outbreak will pass in good time... and that some treatment or vaccine will be developed and finalized in good time. My heart goes out to everybody who's currently infected or knows somebody who is infected. 

Working on My Resolutions
Since I've been holing myself up in my room almost everyday after work and every weekend, I've been making pretty good progress with my resolutions. And by that I mean I've been playing a lot of video games and reading manga. I have TV shows and movies to watch as well, but haven't gotten around to those just yet.

I'm currently trying to finish off more of the games in my "Currently Playing" list before trying out too, too many new things. It's pretty difficult -- so many of my current games are lonnng and grindy. Or -- well, if I enjoy the game, it often turns out much longer than I had expected.

I may in the end have to drop some of those current games... but only if I feel that after trying to get back into the game. I've probably forgotten the controls to half of those games by now, hahaha... ^^''

That it for this blog. Thank you for reading!! If you have any questions or comments about anything, feel free.

Stay safe, take care, and until next time! :)

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