
Sunday 17 October 2021

REVIEW/THOUGHTS [VIDEO GAME] -- Yakuza 4 Remastered

Playthrough Status: Beat the main story on Normal, spent a ton of hours in Premium Adventure picking up remaining trophies I was willing to get
Approx. Length: 120+ hours
Language: English (Cutscenes are voiced in Japanese with English subtitles)
Played on: PS4
Also Available for: PC, Xbox One
Type of Game: Open-world Action Adventure, Mini-games, Skill-building
Overall Impression: The story feels shorter, but it's still good.

Just like with my past reviews, I'll keep a non-spoiler section (the section you're at right now), and a "Spoiler Talk" section at the end to go into more detail on certain things and to let loose with any extra thoughts.

BUT... even though there won't be any spoilers for Yakuza 4 Remastered in this section, there could be spoilers for all the previous Yakuza games. In fact, this blog is structured as if you have already played those Yakuza games. If you haven't beaten those Yakuza games yet, I'd highly recommend you do before reading this review!!

For anybody who's missed them, below are the links to my reviews on the previous Yakuza games:

Yakuza 0
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza 3 Remastered

As I mentioned in my Yakuza 3 Remastered review, before I started playing Yakuza 3 Remastered, I told myself over and over to keep my expectations realistic, as I was diving into a game made 18 years BEFORE the previous game (Yakuza 2 Kiwami).

If I were to compare Yakuza 4 Remastered to Yakuza 2 Kiwami, I'd say Yakuza 4 Remastered still has some catching up to do, BUT... if I were to compare Yakuza 4 Remastered to Yakuza 3 Remastered, I would start to see it -- I would start to see the progression and I would start to see how the Yakuza games evolved into what it is now ("now" being Yakuza 2 Kiwami since that's the newest released game I've played).

Here are some of the things that stayed the same between Yakuza 3 Remastered and Yakuza 4 Remastered:

Intriguing story: Unless the story actually disappoints me, I will always list this as a strong positive for a Yakuza game. Overall the story feels much shorter than the previous Yakuza games, but the intrigue and the emotions are still there -- as well as tons of twists (one questionable twist) and mystery. If the story was a bit longer to further develop some of the side characters, it would be golden.

Interesting substories: The substories are still a mix of heartfelt moments, generic just-get-it-done, and pure absurdity. I love it.

An amusing, ridiculous substory.

Graphics: Unless my eyes are deceiving me, I don't think the graphics changed very much between Yakuza 3 Remastered and Yakuza 4 Remastered, aside from updating the environment to show passage of time. Aesthetics rarely ever affect my opinion of a game (as long as I can tell what is what), so I was fine with this. If I'm wrong about the graphics being the same as Yakuza 3 Remastered, somebody correct me, hahaha

A shot of Kamurocho in Yakuza 3 Remastered.

A shot of Kamurocho in Yakuza 4 Remastered. Maybe I am blind
but it doesn't seem that different to me.

The fun minigames: Like what I said in my Yakuza 3 Remastered review, as long as there is karaoke and the UFO catcher game, I'm happy. All the other games from Yakuza 3 Remastered are here as well.

I didn't record myself doing much of the karaoke, but I played allll the songs with allll the characters (the ones who would sing). My favourite songs are "Pure Love in Kamurocho" (I especially love that you can duet with another character), and "MachineGun Kiss"

A great win while doing the UFO catcher game.
If only I could do this well in the UFO catcher game in real life!

Modding weapons: I barely did any weapon modding in Yakuza 3 Remastered, but I did it in this one because of a trophy. When I saw some of the ridiculous weapons I could mod, I appreciated this feature.

A weapon I just had to mod and try out.

Here are some things that stayed the same that I didn't enjoy very much..

Hostess Maker minigame: The only saving graces were that there were fewer hostesses to raise, and that the hostesses became actual NPC hostesses the main characters could have sessions with. Aside from those things, it was still very much a chore to do. Granted, this was optional, but those who know me know that I like to experience as much content as possible in games that I like / love.

The names I gave to the hostesses I raised. One is trying to make it big as a rockstar.
Another is looking to marry a RICH man. Another ran away from home
after a fight with her father. Can you guess which is which? :)

Chasing segments:
 I can see how this could be fun for others, but I didn't enjoy those segments at all.

The not-as-fun minigames (for me): This would be golf, hahaha. I guess I could put mahjong and billiards here, too, but I'm indifferent to those games. I just don't enjoy golf, hahahaha. It's probably because I'm really bad at it

Too many girls to woo in the hostess clubs: It's the same amount of girls as in Yakuza 3 Remastered. Some of them were interesting to learn about, but others were... well...

And here are some of the new things in Yakuza 4 Remastered -- the start of the series getting reshaped.

Multiple main characters & fighting styles: I don't know if this carries forward to the future Yakuza games, but in Yakuza 4 Remastered, the story gets divided into separate parts and you get to control a new character in each part. Aside from playing as Kiryu from the previous games, there are three new characters, and each character has their own fighting style.

I'll say something about each of the new main characters in the "Spoilers" section, but overall, they are likeable and developed well enough. Another thing is that I liked how the story from each character tied together in the end to tell a larger story.

Multiple levels for world exploration: In Kiwami 2, you were able to explore some rooftops. In Yakuza 4 Remastered, you are able to do the same -- and explore the underground as well! I liked that they tried something new here.

Stat-building system: This is much closer to the stat-building system in Kiwami 2, but less complex. Some skills still require leveling other skills first, but I feel there is more flexibility here on how to upgrade your character. It's definitely a step in the right direction.

Ordering multiple foods in one sitting: Yes! Let the memes of eating 6-8+ food items in one sitting commence!!! *party sounds*

I would like to say no, but... if you've never played any Yakuza game before, starting with 4 might not be so bad. You would miss out on a lot of the emotional connection / context for Kiryu when you play his story, but 3/4 of the game involves new characters
. If you'd like to dive into a fairly recent Yakuza game (story-wise), and play catch-up with Kiryu's story, 4 is where you'd want to start.

Warning, though: You would also miss out on A LOT of emotional connection / context for Majima if you started with Yakuza 4 Remastered, so I would still recommend you start with Yakuza 0 or Yakuza Kiwami! D:

This is where I list any things that could make you think twice about trying the game out with family or friends (depends on what they are okay with, I guess). They're not exactly bad per se, but more for your own awareness of it (and so you don't blame me for not saying anything!). 

I can experience these elements in a video game and get through more or less unscathed, but your mileage may vary, so I figure I should mention them.

Another note is that I did not thoroughly check out every heat action, so I may have missed some questionable ones, if any.

-Just like in all the previous Yakuza games, the fights can be pretty violent and bloody. I don't think there was an option to turn down the blood level.

-There is a table tennis minigame where you have the option to "power up" some special action by ogling the other player's chest area (the other player would be female and she would be clothed)... that is not subtle at all, hahahaha. Playing the minigame is completely OPTIONAL.

-There is a massage minigame that features a female making provocative poses while you're trying to keep some meter from falling to the bottom completely or shooting to the top completely. If you fail to last through the whole session, it almost feels like an allusion to "climaxing" too early. Aside from trying this several times to get a trophy and just to experience the final difficulty level, this is completely OPTIONAL.

-There is a club that you can visit to see a female dancing on a pole. This is completely OPTIONAL.

In essence, Yakuza 4 Remastered is another Yakuza game, but trying new things, while still keeping to its strengths. While some of the minigames could be long and tedious (Hostess Maker plus another one that I didn't even mention -- they are optional, though), the main story and certain substories would keep your emotions on your feet.

If you've played the previous Yakuza games -- keep at it! You're halfway through the series :)

Rating: 86 / 100

Thanks for reading!

If you have any questions / comments about anything, leave a comment or send via the Contact Form. :)

I'm going to take a short break before diving in to Yakuza 5 Remastered, so it could be a long while before I get to review that one. There are a couple other games I'd like to finish first, but rest assured -- I can't wait to start the next Yakuza game. I want to keep seeing how the series evolves!  

So I'll do the scrolly thing and the "Spoiler Talk" section will appear after that. Then I'll add some more scrolly things after the "Spoiler Talk" section in case anybody wants to comment, but not see the spoilers.



So this will be a little different from the "Spoilers" section in my other review blogs. I kinda want this section to be a place where I can unload any extra thoughts I had about Yakuza 4 Remastered, even if I didn't mention it at all in the non-spoiler section. I may have already talked about some of these in the non-spoiler section but I'll go into more detail here.

So there are two things I want to talk about briefly here: The rubber bullets reveal, and the lead-up to the final bosses.

The rubber bullets reveal: While some could feel deflated by this reveal, I actually felt a lot of relief. It means Saejima was never a killer! It does make him going to jail for 25 years very tragic, though...

The lead-up to the final bosses: I felt this was a bit rushed. The final fight with the four bosses didn't feel earned. I wanted to feel super pumped for it, but I didn't.

To be fair, I'm not sure what could have been done to pump me up more for the final boss fights. If they were working their way to the top from the base of the Millennium Tower, then there could have been some mob fights leading to the top. They got up to the top via a helicopter though, and it was a surprise to the bosses. Hmmm... could something have been done??

Also, Daigo... it's sad that you lost your way in this one. But I can understand -- you got dropped into the chairman position wayy too young -- and you had all that pressure to keep everything afloat. I can understand... but don't have Majima get arrested ever again, okay? That's a BIG no-no... *tsk tsk*


I did not doubt Majima at all in this one. If I didn't play Yakuza 0 before, though... I could have.  (Why you always gotta be testing my faith??!) ._.

I loved seeing so much of Majima in a part of Saejima's story. But same as in Yakuza 3 Remastered, he was mainly there to drive the plot forward. No matter, though. I'm still 510% loyal and will hope to see more of him in the next Yakuza game. :)

I do love that after all these years, Majima still considers Saejima his kyodai. Majima is... so darn loyal. <3

Hilarious words from Majima if you take them out of context.


I don't have too much to say, but this is one kicka** character, hahahaha. I liked how Akiyama operated Sky Finance and why he operated it. He has a really big heart and likes to help people. He's such a good guy...

I can also relate to him taking big gambles with his heart. I truly hope he will find his happiness one day (as I wish the same for myself, hahaha).


What a beautiful, gentle bear. I cried through his story the most:

-When Kiryu refused to help him get to Kamurocho, but then leaves him money and some clothes after all. Saejima's reaction plus the music -- just gets me everytime :')

-When Saejima was yelling in the colosseum about how he lived every day feeling guilt over taking those lives.

-When Saejima was reunited with Sasai and Sasai slowly uttered Saejima's name... thinking of that scene made me cry just now, hahaha.

Upon first glance, I don't think many would be anticipating his story to touch the heart so many times.

Another thing: I liked that even though Hamazaki casted doubt on Majima's intentions, Saejima still stayed on finding out the truth instead of outright thinking that Majima wronged him all those years ago. This one... is also so darn loyal *hug*

I like how his face looks so deadly as soon as he looks away from Haruka.

Another thing I really liked was seeing Saejima's thoughts / observations about the current world after being in jail for so long. It makes a lot of sense that he'd miss so many technological advancements and environmental changes. Below are some of those thoughts / observations.

I kinda wonder if many people these days would ask the same thing?
Since so much of media is going digital these days.

Hahahaha, I couldn't agree more.

Yup, I hear you for sure.

This makes me curious about how things were like for Saejima 25 years ago.


My very first impression of Tanimura was: not paying attention while on the job? What a slacker! My opinion of him did get a lot better as I learned about his motivations, beliefs, and personality. He may not always follow the books, but he follows his own brand of justice -- and I agree with his brand of justice. :)

His fighting style was pretty amusing. I considered him the "heat move" machine -- I'm always triggering some heat move as a follow-up attack, even when I don't intend to.

A neat cutscene with Tanimura leading up to a fight.

Decided to have a section just to honor those who passed... :(

Yasuko -- There is sadness in your passing. But the most saddest thing for me, is that... I don't particularly grieve for you... I grieve for Saejima's sake and Akiyama's sake. I saw your death a mile away, and I did not see enough of your character to feel the sadness I wanted to feel when you got shot... I'm sorry...

I acknowledge your determination to do anything in the world to help your brother. That speaks to your courage and strength. But I did not see much interactions with your brother to buy those strong motivations. A cutscene where you and Saejima exchanged words as brother and sister while being kidnapped would have helped connect the emotions to the motivations, making your loss much more tragic, at least for me.

So instead of grieving for you, I grieve for Saejima, who lost his only sister... and for Akiyama, who fell in love... only to lose her before anything could begin.

Anybody who's reading this who really liked Yasuko, please don't hate me! I wanted to feel more emotion for her... I just needed to see more development. :(

Here are some miscellaneous thoughts that didn't fit into any of the above topics, and some more screenshots and videos I wanted to share.

-I enjoyed many of the Revelations. The very first one (the underwear thief) was so hilarious.

-I completely skipped doing the IF7-R. I didn't really enjoy it much in Yakuza 3 Remastered. I told myself to do it after reaching the final chapter... but by then I completely forgot about it. Maybe I'll try it the next time I revisit Yakuza 4 Remastered. :)

-I don't think I've mentioned it much lately, but the music is still great in the Yakuza games. Here's a track that I really like.

Sadness. It just evokes emotion in me.

-Just like in my previous Yakuza reviews, here are a couple funny Yakuza-related memes I saw on Reddit. Here is somebody else's name for that baby-naming substory.

-Here's another meme. I find this amusing. 

And here are the screenshots and videos!

I was amused to see a poster for Shining Force Cross Exlesia.

My suggestion for a name in that baby substory.

Saejima's reaction to the name, hahaha.

Hahahahaha. And the legend continues.

Rebellia's business card. I guess this is how she should have looked like.

Goromi's business card. It's not too far off.

Goldigger's business card. I didn't really like her so
I did not give her the best makeover.

I think this shot is cool. Bada** guys in suits always make my head turn, hahaha.

I like what Akiyama says here.

A ridiculous substory. I would have posted this in the main review
but thought it would spoil it.

I just had to take a screenshot of this.

My final stats when I beat Yakuza 4 Remastered. The story was shorter,
but there were still tons of things to do in between.

A clip of Kiryu about to walk into MEB, some kind of information center for hostess clubs.
I did this just to get that extra dialogue / interaction with Haruka.

A clip of Kiryu having a session with a hostess. I thought Kiryu's response was amusing.

A fight with Akiyama that involved an ally's help.
I should have sought out more of these allies, hahaha.

If you read this section, thank for reading! Now to finish with more scrolly things. Feel free to comment if you wish :D


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