
Sunday 27 January 2019

THOUGHTS [TV SHOW] -- Game of Thrones Season 2 *SPOILERS*

As mentioned in my last entry, this will contain SPOILERS!! So please don't read unless you have watched Season 2!

For my thoughts on the previous Season: Here

I think overall, aside from maybe a few nice moments, so many unfortunate things happened in Season 2 -- Renly Baratheon being killed (never really got to know this guy); the battle of Blackwater Bay with Tyrion getting injured (I was so fearful for his life!); Theon capturing Winterfell; Theon burning Brandon and Rickon (who turned out to be two farm boys, but still!); Jon being captured by the Wildlings; Jon having to kill Halfhand; Joffrey being Joffrey... only thing that kept me going was needing to see if my favourite characters survived to the end, hahaha.

For me, Tyrion was THE star of Season 2. As I saw more of Tyrion's humanity (and sarcastic wit), I started to think that maybe what Little Finger said about Tyrion ordering the assassination attempt on Brandon was a lie. Once I was comfortable with that line of thinking, Tyrion rose to "favourite character" status almost immediately.

Just to say -- I didn't really buy the romance between Robb and Talisa. It somehow felt a bit forced, and very rushed. Not saying that Robb and Talisa are bad characters or that they don't love each other. I just wasn't convinced.

Sometimes I wonder if Arya had named Joffrey, Cersei, and Tywin to Jaqen H'ghar (Faceless Assassin guy) -- how would the rest of Game of Thrones play out? Was that even possible to request? 

-When Shae visits Tyrion after the battle of Blackwater Bay, and Shae says "I am yours and you are mine". It was such a beautiful, touching moment. :')

-When Tyrion has conversations with Pycelle, Varys, and Little Finger, giving different secret information to each of them to see who would leak out their information to Cersei. That was really clever and fun to watch!

-When Daenerys has Pree set on fire and then has Daxos and... that girl (Daenerys' backstabbing friend) locked inside Daxos' own vault. Sometime about that was very strong to me.

Tyrion -- Just gotta say I love this guy, hahaha. He is so cool.

Shae -- I really love Shae as well. I love how she genuinely loves Tyrion. I also like how protective she is of Sansa and how she is a fighter.

Theon -- This guy... I shake my head at him... What a screw-up >_____<.

Brienne -- I like her strength and unbending loyalty.

Joffrey -- I'm just waiting for his end now... He is soooooo horrible.

Ygritte -- Her accent is just the best, hahaha.

And that's it for this blog! Thanks for reading :) 

If you have any thoughts about Season 1-2, even disagreements, feel free to comment. But PLEASE keep any comments within Season 1-2! If you really need to speak about something from the later seasons, please mark it somehow. It's not really for me, but for anybody else who may be reading this entry and are not yet caught up with all the seasons. There's also a comment/message box to the right and those messages should be sent to me directly.

Take care and until the next entry! :)

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