The convention that's coming up... ahhh, I can't wait!!!!!! XDDDDD
Outings / Events in July:
- Hung out with friends overall x5.- Tweeted TAM a Happy Birthday! (now my Twitter is revealed, hahaha).
- Coincidentally, my own birthday came and went (not on the same day as TAM's, but quite close). Even though I am older now... I will always be young at heart!
- Attended the Kingdom Hearts Orchestra.
- Attended the Pretty Heroes convention for one day with a friend. We checked out this really neat panel (Are We The Heroes of Our Stories?), and their Name That Tune event.
- The tragic incident with Kyoto Animation... *bows*
- The creator I mentioned some blogs ago had his heart surgery. He pulled through!! ^___^
- Had a Game Day with my sister, her hubby, and our friend. We played some more Root.
- Celebrated my birthday with friends two times. They were good times! :)
- Made Japanese curry poutine for the first time with a friend.
- Made bulgogi for the first time with my sister.
- Went karaoking with a friend.
- Karaoked by myself x1.
- Stayed over at my sister's place x1.
- Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn achievements / news:
-I've re-subbed recently, but haven't been grinding all my classes to catch up. I... just don't have that kind of time anymore. But I'll do something in that world before my subscription expires.
- Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius achievements / news:
-My rank is currently 185 (yay I can leave the game alone for 15 hours and 10 minutes)
-I'm being overwhelmed by all the events going on and all the daily login rewards. None of the banners particularly interest me right now.
- (Mobile game): Magia Record -- I didn't even know an app game relating to Madoka existed until recently. Aside from having such a low AP / energy cap (meaning you have to play it often if you want to keep using up the AP / energy before it caps out), I'm enjoying the game very much. I like that it uses some music from the anime, and I like that you can summon some of the girls from the anime. I can't wait to have Homura.
- (Movie): Searching -- This was really good. The pacing was very good and I enjoyed all the twists and developments. I highly recommend!- (Movie): Blade Runner 2049 -- It was good but really long. I liked a lot of the concepts it addressed, but my mind wandered many times during the slow moments.
- (Movie): Justice League -- I enjoyed every scene with Wonder Woman in it. Ezra Miller was really good, too. Overall, a pretty good movie.
- (Movie): Murder on the Orient Express (remake) -- It was okay.
- (Movie): Rob Roy -- This was okay.
- (Movie - Anime): Persona 3: The Movie #4 -Winter of Rebirth- -- I saw the ending I didn't choose in the video game. Wow. I'm gonna have to re-play the video game someday.
- (Anime): Parasyte -the Maxim- -- Having read the manga series years and years ago, and knowing about the planned US live-action movie that went awry (thank goodness!), I wasn't sure how Parasyte -the Maxim- would be. It was everything I had hoped for. I might just have to blog about it sometime!
- (Anime): Puella Magi Madoka Magica -- I cried when the credits rolled on the last episode. I had heard good things about this show before watching it, and it lived up to it all and then some. Truly -- sooo -- fantastic! Homura is my bae, hahaha. I'll have to track down the 3rd movie sometime and watch it.
- (Anime): Beyond the Boundary -- I watched this as my way of paying my respects to Kyoto Animation. Overall, the series was okay. There were some touching moments.
- Nothing this month.
- Nothing this month.
Playing (not all at once):
- (PS4): Dark Cloud- (PS4): Kingdom Hearts Final Remix (from Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix)
- (PS4): iDOLM@STER: Platinum Stars
- (PS4): Fez
- (PS4): Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
- (PS4): Nights of Azure
- (PS4): Plague Inc.: Evolved
- (PS3): Borderlands 2
- (PS2): Drakengard
- (PS2): Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis
- (Xbox 360): Magna Carta II
- (Xbox 360): Fable III
- (3DS): Story of Seasons
- (3DS): Culdcept Revolt
- (3DS): Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker
- (3DS): Miitopia
- (GBA): The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition
- (PSP): Persona
- (Wii): Fortune Street
- (PC): UnEpic
- (PC): King's Bounty: The Legend
- (PC): Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (When They Cry)
- (TV Show): The Walking Dead (Season 7)- (TV Show): Criminal Minds (Season 14 - Episode 2)
- (TV Show): Six Feet Under (Season 1 - Episode 3)
- (TV Show): X-Files (Season 11)
- (TV Show): The Strain (Season 2)
- (TV Show): Galavant (Season 1 - Episode 5)
- (TV Show): The Office (Season 7)
- (TV Show): The Goldbergs (Season 3 - Episode 15)
- (TV Show): Huff (Season 1 - Episode 10)
- (Anime): Log Horizon (Season 2 - Episode 2)
- (Anime): Attack on Titan: Season 3 (episode "43")
- (YouTube): StephenVlogs (Day 656)
- (Comic): Bodie Troll by Jay Fosgitt- (Manga): Princess Jellyfish by Akiko Higashimura (Volume 2)
That's it for July. Here are some pics I took this month plus a video and a couple YouTube videos.
I'm not exactly a chocolate fiend...
but there were some yummy flavours here!

I call it Japanese curry poutine because it is made like a poutine,
except that the gravy is substituted with Japanese curry.
I quite enjoyed it.
gave to me at IFFT. I sure hope I didn't drown the rice!
I liked the flavour a lot. Thank you, TAM! ^-^

Something I backed on Kickstarter has arrived!
I've yet to try it out, hahaha.
Me karaoking "I've Been Waiting" by Lil Peep & ILoveMakkonen Feat. Fall Out Boy.
There is no video, only audio. So click "play" and do other things.
The volume may be soft.
You may also need to click "play" twice.
This is probably one of the only times you'll hear me swear while singing.
One of my favourite tracks from the anime.
It sounds sooooooo gooood! x3
As usual, if you have any questions / comments about anything, feel free. :)
Depending on how things are, I might skip blogging this weekend. With my upcoming trip to Vancouver being just a week away, I gotta get ready!!
Take care and until next time :)
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