
Sunday 2 December 2018

BLOG -- My "Christmas" Wishlist 2018

So here's an updated "Christmas" wishlist. Again, as I've said in my last wishlist blogs, this is just for fun -- I don't expect anybody reading this to buy me anything. It is just fun to dream sometimes and well -- just by reading this blog you have already given me a really wonderful gift! If this is your first time here, keep reading to find out what I mean ;)

There aren't too many things listed this time, since my room is still running out of space very badly. I'd love to put on my wishlist an empty room to just store my stuffs, but I'm not going to do that! I gotta keep this list at least somewhat real, hahaha. :3

As mentioned in my last entries, this could give you an idea of some things I like or some things that are currently on my radar. And just like last time, this wishlist is actually good for any gift-giving occasion, not just for Christmas;

I'll mention items from the old blogs that still apply, though I will remove all commentary. Check the old blogs for commentary on them.

If you are curious at all, below are links to my old wishlist entries:
"Christmas" Wishlist 2013
"Christmas" Wishlist 2015

The Always-Good-for-Me-Gifts
Now these gifts are always appreciated because I use / consume these throughout the year.

From the old blogs:
-Chapters gift card
-PSN game card
-Potato Chips (nothing cheese-flavoured or spicy / hot)


-iTunes gift card: I kinda just like the versatility with this gift card. I can buy songs off, well, iTunes, and I can sometimes rent movies digitally for very cheap. Since I only buy songs that I really, really like and rent movies when they are very cheap, an iTunes gift card can last quite a long time.

-Google Play gift card: Similar to the iTunes gift card, I like the versatility with this one. Also... since I am wayyyy too addicted to Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius, and with SINoALICE coming in the new year, I might end up going through these more frequently. Also, I discovered recently that I can purchase / rent shows / movies off of YouTube with Google Play funds, meaning... well... Google's gonna be getting a lot of my money, hahaha... ^-^''

The Easy-But-Lazy-to-Get
These items I will most likely get myself down the line -- the big question is when. And the problem is if I hold out for too long, these could become rare and hard to get. 

From the old blogs:
-Nothing from the old blogs


-428: Shibuya Scramble soundtrack: No matter what anybody says, I love the soundtrack to 428: Shibuya Scramble! It's varied enough and is able to evoke a bunch of different emotions from me. Even talking about this makes me want to play through the game again, hahaha.

The Easy-to-Find-But-Expensive
So this list is really more to remind me of what I still want to get for myself. I never expect anybody to get these for me, unless it came from a group of people.

From the old blogs:
-Good, warm gloves (if wind can cut through them, they are not warm... u__u)
-A good external computer hard drive


-Nintendo Switch: It seems like I like listing Nintendo consoles on my wishlist (I listed the Wii U in my previous wishlist). I'm just very laxed with getting them myself, 'cuz my Wii is still hooked up to the TV and I still have games to play on it. I want a Nintendo Switch mainly for the new Smash Brothers game plus Shin Megami Tensei V... and for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, now that I had a chance to play it a few days ago.

-Some kind of digital camera: Well, with my phone doing a horrible job of recording my last couple karaoke sessions (the audio kept fluctuating between soft and loud), I'm starting to think I should get a digital camera just for recording. 'Cuz, well... I wanna keep a record of my singing voice while it's still kinda decent... I do have videos already from past karaoke sessions, but I want some recordings of recent songs, too.

The Hard-to-Find
This list will probably always be pretty short. I'm usually on top of getting whatever rare stuff I want that gets released, so long as I can afford it and am aware of its existence.

From the old blog:
-Kazuma Kaneko Works III Art Book
-Persona Q-themed 3DS XL


-Surprisingly, nothing this time. I was tempted to list the Solaire Amiibo, since I think having a Solaire figure would be really awesome. But... another Solaire figure exists on Fangamer and is in-stock. Now, if that were to sell out and I can't find any other places but eBay listing it and I don't have one yet, I'll be sure to mention a Solaire figure in my future "Christmas" wishlist blog.

And, as always, as I've said in both my previous blogs, Time is the best gift of all for me. I don't think that would ever change. Maybe I'll go a bit more in-depth about why in a future blog. 

So... to you who have given a bit of your own time to read this blog (and any other entries you may have read) -- thank you for the wonderful gift! *bows* ^____^ <3

What sort of things are on your wishlist this year? Feel free to comment about anything. Take care and until next time! :)

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