
Sunday 10 January 2021

BLOG (PERSONAL) -- Perspectives/Memories in 2020, Top Whatevers, Top Exposures, and New Year's Resolutions

Well, here is the long blog I do every year -- taking an overall look at the previous year.

Sushi burrito -- one of the more creative foods I've tried in 2020.
Very messy to eat, but I would eat it again.

First thing is a review of my New Year's Resolutions in 2020 and how I did with them:

(REVIEW) New Year's Resolutions for 2020
Spend at least 100 hours on learning anything related to programming or game-making -- NOPE (I spent about 41 hours on this. I counted pretty much whatever time I spent creating my game.)

Spend at least 100 hours on learning Japanese -- NOPE (I spent about 6 hours on this T__T)

Create at least two games using any of the platforms / engines I have -- HALF (I created one on RPG Maker MV, but didn't get to create another) 

Create at least 1 story (short story, play, whatever) -- NOPE (Did not do this at all)

Spend a total of 750 hours going through ANY of my media collection that I haven't experienced yet (watching DVDs / Blu-Ray, playing video games, reading books). Playing MMOs / never-ending phone games don't count -- DONE (I ended up spending more than 750 hours. Here is a breakdown of where all my hours were spent:

Video games - Completed at least once (about 673 hours total spent)
-Fable 3
-Story of Seasons
-Magna Carta 2
-Culdcept Revolt
-Kingdom Hearts Final Remix
-Yakuza 0
-Yakuza Kiwami
-Yakuza Kiwami 2
-Walking Dead: Michonne
-Never Alone: Foxtales
-Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
-Dark Cloud
-Death Road to Canada

Video games - Tried out for the first time (about 125.5 hours total spent)
-Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero?
-Infinite Space
-Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier
-Tomodachi Life
-Yakuza 3 Remastered
-FFXV Multiplayer: Comrades
-Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighbourville
-Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies
-Fall Guys
-Among Us

Movies / TV series (about 113.75 hours spent)
-Parasyte (Parts 1 & 2)
-The Strain (Season 2)
-Forrest Gump
-Legend of Korra (Season 2)
-The Office (Season 7)
-Six Feet Under (All 5 seasons)
-The Bounty
-A Prayer for the Dying
-High Spirits
-Shining Through
-Kingdom of Heaven
-Pulp Fiction

Books / Manga (4700 total pages read - about 50.75 hours spent)
-Princess Jellyfish (volumes 3-9)
-Neo Parasyte f
-Neo Parayste m
-The Walking Dead: Compendium 2 & 3
-Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Rift (All 3 parts)
-Cardcaptor Sakura: Book 3 & 4

- Finish going through my Xbox 360 games -- DONE (I didn't have many games left so glad I was able to finish this. Now I can unhook the Xbox 360 from the TV once I'm done using it as a glorified DVD player)

Read at least 100 chapters (or ALL) of One Piece -- DONE (I did the former, reading 143 chapters. I'm 77 chapters away from 1000!)

Develop at least one positive habit / routine and keep at it for at least a month -- DONE (For about 3 months straight, I practiced writing katakana and hiragana everyday. I think it helped me recognize the characters a bit faster than before)

Reduce my overall collection! This would be my collection for books, video games, music, movies, TV shows, figures -- DONE (I reduced my overall collection by 89 items. Sadly, my room is still overflowing with things)

- Clean my room. At least half of the floor should be bare -- HALF (I think about 35% of the floor is bare)

To sum up: Out of my 10 resolutions, I completed 5 and two halves. Considering that one of those resolutions was super time-consuming, I'm pretty satisfied with myself. This is probably the year where I was close to finishing them all. 

Unfortunately, just like last year, working late for wayyy too many weeks straight kinda ruined my chances. Just to rant a bit... this year I worked about 320 hours beyond my contracted hours... with just over half of those hours being paid out as overtime. I also have nearly 3 weeks' worth of unused vacation. Assuming the minimum hour workweek with about 2 hours of commute everyday, that comes to 142.5 hours of vacation time I didn't get to take for myself. For somebody who values Time very much, that is a lot of time!

Will anything change this year...?

Below are my resolutions for 2021:

New Year's Resolutions for 2021
Spend at least 100 hours on learning anything related to programming or game-making
- Spend at least 100 hours on learning Japanese
- Create at least two games using any of the platforms / engines I have
- Create at least 1 story (short story, play, fanfiction, whatever)
- Spend a total of 750 hours playing video games / reading books from my collection that I haven't experienced yet
- Get all caught up in One Piece :)
- Watch at least 100 episodes' worth of anime / dramas on Crunchyroll (movies would count as 1 episode per 30 minutes of runtime)l
- Sort through 2 years' worth of personal photos / videos
- Catalogue all the games I own physically
- Clean my room. At least half of the floor should be bare

My resolutions this year will generally stay the same as last year's, but with a few new things. For the most part, I think I've kinda "optimized" what I want to achieve with each resolution -- at least for the resolutions that barely change. If I felt like I'd have more time, then I'd raise the "Spend a total of 750 hours" resolution to "Spend a total of 1000 hours".

I think today is the year I'll be allll caught up with One Piece. I'm less than 100 chapters away -- I'm excited but also a bit wary. If the latest chapter ends in a cliffhanger then I'll be agonizing over waiting for the next chapter! Hahaha.

For the "Watch at least 100 episodes' worth of anime / dramas on Crunchyroll", it's mainly to poke / remind myself to use the service since I do have access to it. Eventually I'll have to poke myself to try out more manga from Shonen Jump since I'm subscribed to that as well.

For the other new resolutions, it's a poke to myself to get more organized. Since getting a smartphone many years ago, I've accumulated tons of photos and videos. If I don't start cleaning those files up, I'll run out of space on my phone and eventually on my computer. 

Cataloguing my games has been something I've been wanting to do for a long while now. It's kinda embarrassing to say, but I have been guilty of buying the same game a couple times because I forgot I already owned a copy.

Just like last year, I'll reward myself if I can finish all of my resolutions. If Miku is still open by the time the pandemic is over, I'd still like to treat myself there. I'm being kinda stubborn and refusing to go unless I finish my resolutions first... so I better get on it!

2020 in Review
2020 was on track to be a continuation of 2019 in terms of attending concerts and conventions. I already bought concert tickets to FLOW and Hatsune Miku and an admission to International Fan Festival Toronto, one of my more favoured anime conventions. I was also planning to visit Japan this year. It's been a bi-annual tradition for me for the past 6 years. Then in mid-March everything turned upside down when the pandemic hit.

I don't think I need to say that I didn't get to attend any of those concerts nor conventions. My Japan trip's been put on hold. For the next 9 months, I was holed up at home. I only went outside a few times, and I always had to be driven. This might sound like an introvert's paradise, and it was to a certain degree. Unfortunately so much of my time was spent working that I barely had any chances to relax and enjoy being at home. The room that used to be my salvation became my prison. If I didn't finally put my foot down and fought back on the situation a couple months ago, I'm not sure how my mental / physical state would be right now. 

While staying holed up at home, a couple video games affected my life in a big sense: Yakuza 0 and SINoALICE. I mention it later in the blog, but Yakuza 0 and the Yakuza series in general was my saving grace. SINoALICE allowed me to connect and build friendships. Those two games really helped me to get through the bleakness that was working so many hours for weeks straight. 

For friends whom I would usually see / hang out with throughout the year, we'd do either monthly LINE voice calls or we'd text message or phone calls. I do miss seeing them, though. We are long overdue for eating at a nice restaurant or relaxing at a Krispy Kreme shop or just lazing about watching some funny Youtube videos while eating some pineapple pizza (yes, pineapples on pizza can be delicious!).

Looking at where I am in Life, things still haven't really changed. I think until the pandemic is truly over, my Life will be put "on hold" in terms of moving out and other Life things

I usually share what would be my "theme song" for the year, but unfortunately I don't have one. I didn't really come across any songs that really resonated with my soul. Maybe I'll have that chance this year.

Notable/Significant Memories/Events in 2020
The pandemic that's still going on: This changed my life a lot. I started working from home on March 13, and I had to get a second computer monitor for my already small work desk. I also had to get a smaller keyboard to accommodate the work computer on my work desk as well as getting a webcam and microphone to accommodate sometimes showing my face and speaking during work meetings. The pandemic has also affected many other aspects in my life. I'm only thankful that I haven't yet experienced the negatives aside from working wayyyy too much because work was wayyy too close to home (maybe I'll blog about this sometime).

My self-built PC is still alive and kicking (1 year): I just have to say that it's still working. May it continue to run without many issues for many more years :)

Worked 79.5 hours for one week: This was my record for most hours worked for one week. It's not a pleasant memory and I will never forget it. I also hope to never experience it again.

Posted on Reddit for the first time ever: I always thought I'd just be a lurker on Reddit. But after getting exposed to Yakuza 0 and finding such a respectful, nice subreddit for the Yakuza series, I couldn't help but say something. I still mainly lurk about, but am happy that such a community exists.

Attended Undertale's 5th anniversary concert stream: This was such a fun, nostalgic experience. And to be able to share it with so many others who were feeling the same emotions... it was really nice. :')

"Fought for my rights": I can't really talk about this now, but it happened. I was very scared, but I plucked up my courage and did what I believed was right for me. I also tried extending my fight for others, but sadly that didn't go as well.

Made some new friends via SINoALICE: I know I already mentioned this earlier, but I'll say it again. This was quite the pleasant surprise. I kinda thought I'd be a loner when I first played SINoALICE, but later I was able to meet some individuals I could consider as friends.

Had monthly LINE voice chats with friends: These were nice and fun.

Made a game using RPG Maker MV for the first time: It was a dinky game but I was very happy I succeeded. I hope I'll be able to create more dinky games using RPG Maker in the future.

Top Whatevers in 2020
This is my top list of what was released in 2020 that I experienced, which sadly wasn't very much. I only watched one movie that was released this year, and I can't put it on my list (it wasn't good enough, in my opinion).

(Video Game): Genshin Impact [PS4]
The things I love most about Genshin Impact are being able to explore almost everywhere and all the puzzles and secrets that are strewn about the world. The pretty graphics are just the icing on the cake.

Here's my exposure of the series.

(Song - English): Freedom, Pt. 2 by an Unkindness
Even though I think this song was created before 2020, it was released in 2020 so I'm counting it. Granted I haven't listened to too many music tracks released in 2020, but I do think "Freedom, Pt. 2" warrants a spot in my "Top Whatevers". 

There's just something about this track that draws me in -- the voice, the instrumentation. I also really like the lyrics. I guess I really like that despite the overall negativity that I feel in the song, there is still strength and resolve to it.

"Freedom, Pt. 2" by an Unkindness (AKA YourMovieSucksDOTorg YouTuber).
If you are curious about the lyrics, they are in the comments section.

Top Exposures in 2020
This is my top list of what I was exposed to this year, regardless of what year it really came out in. Any titles with two years indicate the original release date, then the English release date. If I list here the same thing from my "Top Whatevers", I will also mention a runner-up.

(Anime): Nodame Cantabile (2007-2010)
This series was such a delight. I regret that I waited so long to seek it out and watch it. It is so hilarious and charming, with great music. What more could you ask for? :D

Here's my review of the series.

(Movie): Jurassic Park (1993)
This is a pretty old movie, but it was able to retain the wonderment and fascination with dinosaurs. For me to watch it for the first time and still be awed, it must be doing something right.

(Video Game): Yakuza 0 [PS4] (2015/2017)
Yakuza 0 really inspired me and changed my life. I might be exaggerating it a little bit, but Yakuza 0 saved me. <3

Here's my review of the game.

(Song - English): Two Punks in Love by B
ülow (2018)
I love this song so much. The lyrics really hit my gut, but in a good way. :)

"Two Punks in Love" by Bülow.
I especially love the lyrics "I can't wait to waste my life away with you".

(Song - Japanese): Bakamitai -sorrow- from Yakuza Kiwami (2017)
I just had to list a song from the Yakuza series, hahaha. This is so far my favourite version of "Bakamitai" -- the violin just conveys so much emotion. I hope to be able to sing this song for karaoke one day.

"Bakamitai -sorrow-" from Yakuza Kiwami.
It would be the coolest thing if TAMUSIC 
did an arrangement of this track.


And that's that for my review of 2020.

In my last entry, I noted a few things I wanted to do in 2020:

-Start playing the Yakuza video game series (I started Yakuza 0 and never looked back)
-Start playing the Nier video game series (This didn't happen)
Exercise more (It wasn't much, but I definitely did exercise more in 2020)
-Have less stuff in my room (I think I'm starting to see some more floor in my room)

For 2021, below are some things I'd like to do:

-Start playing the Nier video game series (I'm a few Drakengard endings away from this!! :x)
-Stay on top of the ones I want to keep following and supporting (ex. Active NEETs, TAMUSIC, YourMovieSucksDOTorg, etc)
-Spend less in SINoALICE and other gacha games

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading! Below is a % breakdown of my spending in 2020 compared to 2018 and 2019. This breakdown excludes necessities like my cell phone plan, transportation expenses, etc. Click on the image to enlarge it.

I'm not surprised the top expense in 2020 would be for my phone games. This was a new category, so nothing was recorded in 2018 nor 2019, even though I did spend money on phone games during those years. Fingers crossed I'll be able to get that expense down in 2021!

Thanks again for reading! May the pandemic finally be over and dealt with in 2021 so more "normalcy" can be restored. 

Take care, stay safe, and until next time! :)

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