This time I didn't have to travel to Ottawa to see Marianas Trench. I made sure to buy tickets for their Toronto concert as soon as they were released (way back in November). I was NOT going to miss seeing them again!
Omg, I can't wait!!!! xDDDD
Me and Marianas Trench (Current Status)
For those who are curious, you can read about how I first got into Marianas Trench in my last concert blog about them (here). Just warning you that the story is kinda long! And probably not that interesting!
Since the last Marianas Trench concert I attended (back in 2016), I've listened to the rest of their discography, and have enjoyed almost all of their tracks. Out of their albums, I personally enjoy Ever After the most, followed closely by Masterpiece Theatre, Astoria, and Fix Me (please don't hate me if you disagree!). I do have to say, though: each album has tracks that I really, really love!
These days, I can't say that I listen to Marianas Trench everyday, but I do listen to them a lot! Whenever I feel the itch to sing, Marianas Trench comes to mind almost instantly. When I'm feeling sad or stressed, I think "Let's listen to some Marianas Trench..." They are still my "healing darkness"... and I'm always glad for delving more into their music way back then.
Some tracks I especially love singing are (but NOT limited to!):
Porcelain <-- I love the lyrics. I'd like to sing this to the guy of my dreams one day (whoever he'd be, lol)
Alibis <-- I think this song is so deep. My heart goes out to anybody who's going through this
Desperate Measures <-- I don't know why... but this is my go-to for blowing off steam
B Team <-- Story of my life, hahaha. I'm just kidding -- but this song does strike a chord
So Soon <-- To me, the lyrics feel so honest, raw, and selfish. I've actually never listened to a song this selfish before.
Sing Sing <-- I just love this song. It's playful, simple, and makes me want to dance.
Masterpiece Theatre II <-- I know a lot of the lyrics repeat for this track, but it works so well with the music. I love the way it builds
When their new album PHANTOMS was released, I didn't get a chance to buy it off iTunes and listen to it (I did not realize that the full album was actually uploaded to YouTube -- legitimately, too!). As the days went on and with the Toronto concert just a day away, I decided to get the album later and just enjoy whatever new tracks they played at the concert.
Since the last Marianas Trench concert I attended (back in 2016), I've listened to the rest of their discography, and have enjoyed almost all of their tracks. Out of their albums, I personally enjoy Ever After the most, followed closely by Masterpiece Theatre, Astoria, and Fix Me (please don't hate me if you disagree!). I do have to say, though: each album has tracks that I really, really love!
These days, I can't say that I listen to Marianas Trench everyday, but I do listen to them a lot! Whenever I feel the itch to sing, Marianas Trench comes to mind almost instantly. When I'm feeling sad or stressed, I think "Let's listen to some Marianas Trench..." They are still my "healing darkness"... and I'm always glad for delving more into their music way back then.
Some tracks I especially love singing are (but NOT limited to!):
Porcelain <-- I love the lyrics. I'd like to sing this to the guy of my dreams one day (whoever he'd be, lol)
Alibis <-- I think this song is so deep. My heart goes out to anybody who's going through this
Desperate Measures <-- I don't know why... but this is my go-to for blowing off steam
B Team <-- Story of my life, hahaha. I'm just kidding -- but this song does strike a chord
So Soon <-- To me, the lyrics feel so honest, raw, and selfish. I've actually never listened to a song this selfish before.
Sing Sing <-- I just love this song. It's playful, simple, and makes me want to dance.
Masterpiece Theatre II <-- I know a lot of the lyrics repeat for this track, but it works so well with the music. I love the way it builds
When their new album PHANTOMS was released, I didn't get a chance to buy it off iTunes and listen to it (I did not realize that the full album was actually uploaded to YouTube -- legitimately, too!). As the days went on and with the Toronto concert just a day away, I decided to get the album later and just enjoy whatever new tracks they played at the concert.
The Little Details
Date of Concert: March 13, 2019
Venue: Sony Centre (Toronto, Ontario)
Time: 8:00 PM (Doors open 7:05 PM)
Ticket Price Total: $118.74
Seating: Section Orch22 (ground floor), Row U, Seat 56
Before 7:00 PM -- Concert "Jitters"
Even though the concert was in Toronto and I've been to the Sony Centre many, many times before... I still got "jitters". I guess the biggest thing for me was timing when to have dinner. I wanted to have enough time to eat but not rush myself (I'm a very slow eater) -- and at the same time, have enough time to get to the Sony Centre before doors opened (I gotta get to that merch. shop before everybody crowds it!) -- and at the same time, don't eat so early that I start getting hungry during the concert.
I ended up heading to a restaurant around 4:15 PM, and finished eating around 5:45 PM. I got to the Sony Centre at 6:42 PM. There was a fair crowd, but I was able to wait inside in the ticket booth area.
I ended up heading to a restaurant around 4:15 PM, and finished eating around 5:45 PM. I got to the Sony Centre at 6:42 PM. There was a fair crowd, but I was able to wait inside in the ticket booth area.
7:05-ish PM -- @ Sony Centre
Just like with other concerts I've attended, I headed straight to the merchandise shop after the doors opened. I really didn't want to deal with trying to buy merch. after the concert. I didn't even know what was being sold -- I just lined up, and peered at the stuff whenever I got the chance. The shop was mainly selling T-shirts and shirts, signed and unsigned CDs of their new album, a signed photo, signed drumsticks (the item I missed getting at the last concert), and some other things. I really wanted the signed photo, but my purse couldn't fit it and I wouldn't want to bend it.
After buying a few items, I went to my seat and waited for the pre-show. The two girls sitting next to me asked if I was at the concert by myself. When I said yes, they offered that we could talk about things if I wanted.
"You're not alone," one of them said, and they both smiled in a supportive way.
I smiled back and said, "Thanks!"
We did end up sharing a few words during the concert, and I appreciated the gesture.
"You're not alone," one of them said, and they both smiled in a supportive way.
I smiled back and said, "Thanks!"
We did end up sharing a few words during the concert, and I appreciated the gesture.

At the Ottawa concert two years ago, there was a DJ on stage playing
a bunch of 80s tunes before the pre-show. It was the same thing this time as well!
8:00-ish PM -- Pre-show (Elijah Woods & Jamie Fine)
Elijah Woods & Jamie Fine were fine. I've never heard of them, so everything was new. Some of their tracks clicked with me (especially "You") while others didn't. Elijah Woods was great through everything.
8:30-ish PM -- Intermission
Nothing happened here, aside from me going to the washroom, and then going back to my seat and playing apps on my phone.
Once the 80s music stopped playing and the lights started to dim, the audience cheered and got off their seats. I stood as well, determined to stay standing (and dancing!) throughout the whole show, despite the slightly angled floor (psst -- I think the Sony Centre is a terrible venue for concerts that get you off your feet to dance!).
Once the 80s music stopped playing and the lights started to dim, the audience cheered and got off their seats. I stood as well, determined to stay standing (and dancing!) throughout the whole show, despite the slightly angled floor (psst -- I think the Sony Centre is a terrible venue for concerts that get you off your feet to dance!).
9:00-ish PM -- Marianas Trench
A short black and white video clip played on the screen above the stage. Josh's voice (main vocalist) read the poetic lines that appeared on the screen. The clip was haunting, ominous, and grim -- Edgar Allan Poe-ish.
The video ended and everything was dark for a few moments. Then I was blasted away by the opening number -- strong a cappella harmonies of a track I never heard before. My hairs stood on end. I liked what I heard. I was getting excited. It was great!
After the opening number, they went straight to the next track -- another new song, but this time I recognized it: "Only the Lonely Survive". It was a bright and poppy contrast to the opening number, despite the lyrics being so -- bittersweet. Almost immediately I let the music take me and I started "dancing" -- without any care of anybody possibly watching me.
This time, I did my best to NOT have my phone out constantly. I wanted to be IN the moment instead of capturing it. I generally stuck to recording the first 30 seconds or so of each song (so I can put together the setlist, which is further below!), and then snapping / recording some extra photos / videos if I liked the stage colours for the song. I think I did a pretty good job!
After a couple more songs, "Pop 101" started. Partway through the song, Josh was standing really close to the left edge of the stage. Then... Josh stepped down into the crowd!!! Omg, it's happening again!!!! (this also happened with the Ottawa concert). I was so glad I had an edge seat! Unfortunately the song ended before Josh could get to my side. I actually had no idea where Josh was -- I just knew he was somewhere in the crowd. Unlike the Ottawa concert, fangirly screams didn't burst from wherever he went.
"Well, now I'm just out here with you guys," Josh said, which evoked a lot of cheering from the audience. "Let's do another one!" Then "Haven't Had Enough" started playing and Josh continued moving through the crowd... getting closer to my area... omgggggggg! I tried taking a video of him dancing, but I was also dancing, so... it didn't turn out very well. Regardless... I was soooooooo close to him again!! xDDDDDD *doki doki doki!* <3 <3 <3
After another song, a ballad I didn't recognize started playing. I stood there, drinking in the soft sounds and yearning lyrics. Once the chorus hit, I knew I loved it. And I continued standing, looking at Josh earnestly, and thinking, "It'll be okay... we're here for you...". Hah... My dorkiness shines through again! The next day I found out that the track was called "Glimmer". It became one of my favourites of the concert.
The video ended and everything was dark for a few moments. Then I was blasted away by the opening number -- strong a cappella harmonies of a track I never heard before. My hairs stood on end. I liked what I heard. I was getting excited. It was great!
After the opening number, they went straight to the next track -- another new song, but this time I recognized it: "Only the Lonely Survive". It was a bright and poppy contrast to the opening number, despite the lyrics being so -- bittersweet. Almost immediately I let the music take me and I started "dancing" -- without any care of anybody possibly watching me.
This time, I did my best to NOT have my phone out constantly. I wanted to be IN the moment instead of capturing it. I generally stuck to recording the first 30 seconds or so of each song (so I can put together the setlist, which is further below!), and then snapping / recording some extra photos / videos if I liked the stage colours for the song. I think I did a pretty good job!
A short clip of "Echoes of You", another of their new songs.
The beginning is so catchy.
You might need to click twice to play it.
The beginning is so catchy.
You might need to click twice to play it.
After a couple more songs, "Pop 101" started. Partway through the song, Josh was standing really close to the left edge of the stage. Then... Josh stepped down into the crowd!!! Omg, it's happening again!!!! (this also happened with the Ottawa concert). I was so glad I had an edge seat! Unfortunately the song ended before Josh could get to my side. I actually had no idea where Josh was -- I just knew he was somewhere in the crowd. Unlike the Ottawa concert, fangirly screams didn't burst from wherever he went.
"Well, now I'm just out here with you guys," Josh said, which evoked a lot of cheering from the audience. "Let's do another one!" Then "Haven't Had Enough" started playing and Josh continued moving through the crowd... getting closer to my area... omgggggggg! I tried taking a video of him dancing, but I was also dancing, so... it didn't turn out very well. Regardless... I was soooooooo close to him again!! xDDDDDD *doki doki doki!* <3 <3 <3
"Pop 101". Josh leaning pretty close to the left edge of the stage.
What's he gonna do.... ?!
After another song, a ballad I didn't recognize started playing. I stood there, drinking in the soft sounds and yearning lyrics. Once the chorus hit, I knew I loved it. And I continued standing, looking at Josh earnestly, and thinking, "It'll be okay... we're here for you...". Hah... My dorkiness shines through again! The next day I found out that the track was called "Glimmer". It became one of my favourites of the concert.
A clip of "Glimmer", one of my favourite tracks in the concert.
A clip of "All To Myself", an older song. This clip mainly features
the audience singing -- 'cuz the audience is just good like that! :)
One awesome moment was when they did "Cross My Heart". Halfway through the song, it segued into the bridge for "Celebrity Status" and continued on as "Celebrity Status" to the end. I was psyched! It was so coooooool! xD.
10:00-ish PM -- Encore?
Now... I'm not entirely sure if an encore happened or not because I was disrupted during the last three songs. Another attendee deep in my row took off his shirt and security was calling for the person to get out of their seat. When the person didn't move, security proceeded to go through the row to pull that guy out.
While that only disrupted one song... the person showed up again... claiming that he left something in his seat... meaning he had to go through the row to his seat during the next song.... =____= And then it happened again during the last song... =____=
I didn't show it, but I was very pissed off! Two of the last three songs were "One Love" (but done in Acoustic) and "Who Do You Love", songs I really loved! The final song I didn't recognize, but I enjoyed a lot, too! That was the only thing that sucked during the concert.
The show ended around 10:22 PM.
While that only disrupted one song... the person showed up again... claiming that he left something in his seat... meaning he had to go through the row to his seat during the next song.... =____= And then it happened again during the last song... =____=
I didn't show it, but I was very pissed off! Two of the last three songs were "One Love" (but done in Acoustic) and "Who Do You Love", songs I really loved! The final song I didn't recognize, but I enjoyed a lot, too! That was the only thing that sucked during the concert.
The show ended around 10:22 PM.
Here is the full setlist for Marianas Trench. I linked each song to either the official audio track on YouTube, or the official lyric video. Out of these songs, I enjoyed "Glimmer", "Don't Miss Me?", and "The Killing Kind" the most. I enjoyed all the songs, though!-Eleonora
-Only The Lonely Survive
-Echoes of You
-Here's to the Zeros
-Pop 101
-Haven't Had Enough
-Rhythm of Your Heart
-I Knew You When
-All To Myself
-Don't Miss Me?
-Cross My Heart / Celebrity Status medley
-Desperate Measures
-One Love
-Who Do You Love
-The Killing Kind
Overall Experience
Aside from those rude disruptions during the last three songs, this concert was a total blast! I stayed standing and dancing through the whole thing, even though I knew my feet would get bruised afterwards (trying to dance on a slightly angled floor is a baaad idea!). Now I'm counting down to their next concert dates, whenever that will be. After the concert, I found out on Facebook that Josh performed with a bruised rib...
Josh... take care of yourself, please! D: But -- thank you for still performing and giving us an amazing night! Please recover soon! The world needs you and your musics in it! <3 <3 <3
The next day I listened to the PHANTOMS album and enjoyed every track. I would have loved hearing "Your Ghost" and "Death of Me" performed at the concert!
Josh... take care of yourself, please! D: But -- thank you for still performing and giving us an amazing night! Please recover soon! The world needs you and your musics in it! <3 <3 <3
The next day I listened to the PHANTOMS album and enjoyed every track. I would have loved hearing "Your Ghost" and "Death of Me" performed at the concert!
Items I bought from the merchandise shop.
Tour T-shirt: $35
Signed Drumstick: $20
Signed CD: $25
Total spent: $80
The signed drumstick was a bit of a let down.
Some of the autographs were nearly faded.
Some of the autographs were nearly faded.
My ticket to the concert. I paid an extra $10 to get a
holographic version of the ticket. I don't regret it!
Thank you so much for reading! :)
My next blog should be Season 7 of Game of Thrones... and then one more Game of Thrones-related blog.
Have a wonderful rest of the weekend and until next time! :)
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