
Sunday 10 March 2019

THOUGHTS [TV SHOW] -- Game of Thrones Season 6 *SPOILERS*

Just like in my previous Game of Throne entries, this entry will contain SPOILERS!! So please don't read unless you have watched Season 6!

For my thoughts on the previous seasons:
Season 5
Season 4
Season 3 
Season 2
Season 1

Season 6 started off a little slow for me (more High Sparrow stuffs and then Daenerys with the Dothraki who kinda treated her like a nobody), but then ended with significant turning points and reveals. I like that the storylines between characters are starting to converge.

I. am. so. happy. that. Jon. comes. back. to. life! It sucks that he came back via Melisandre ('cuz now I can't 100% condemn her for her past actions, but... well -- I still can't forgive her...), but thank goodness. I'm just happy he's alive.

And I'm glad -- finally some of the Starks re-unite! I'm talking about Jon and Sansa re-uniting, even though Jon is a Snow. I had been hoping for the Starks to re-unite for so many seasons now (and even seeing some possible reunions just slip by).

And -- Ramsay is killed off! Wooooooot!!! He was so mean and cruel. Sansa dealt with him in the most perfect way.

It was interesting to see that The Hound survived and seemed to have developed something of a heart.

It was tough seeing Arya deal with being blind, especially when fighting against the Waif -- and then later on when the Waif stabbed her multiple times and tried to kill her. I was really worried for Arya's safety! Thank goodness she survived (so she could kill off Walder Frey!).

So... Cersei's trial. I mention this in the "Favourite Scenes / Moments" section, but this was done very, very well. It was a very clever and smart plan to remove the High Sparrow and Margaery all at once, but -- Cersei should have known better than to leave Tommen to his own devices afterwards!

Cersei knew how much Tommen loved Margaery, and she knew how much Tommen wanted to protect those he loved. Did she think Tommen would just accept Margaery's death and carry on as normal? She didn't think Tommen could end up feeling like a total failure as a king? Cersei can try blaming whoever she wants, but in my opinion, Tommen's death is completely on her.

I didn't realize this before, but the last episode was probably my favourite episode of Season 6. Many of the favourite moments I mention in the "Favourite Scenes / Moments" section came from that episode.

The reveal of Jon NOT being Ned's son made me feel a couple things:

1. That Jon might not be a bastard after all. 

2. Utter relief and happiness in knowing that Ned didn't actually cheat on Catelyn. He was true to her to the end! :') 

-Ramsay's end. Being eaten by his own hounds was a fitting way for him to go. I loved that Sansa's mouth turned into a subtle smile as she walked away.

-When Arya declares that she is Arya Stark to Jaqen and is going home. I love it.

-Arya serving pie to Walder Frey, and then killing him. Finally, revenge against the Red Wedding!

-When Tyrion tried consoling Daenerys after Daenerys ordered Daario to stay in Meereen. I like how they converse with each other like equals.

-When Davos confronted Melisandre about Shireen. He pretty much voiced everything that I thought.

-When Lady Mormont scolds the Northern lords who didn't join Jon in the battle against Ramsay. For a young lady, she's got a lot of fire. :)

-Cersei's trial and the events that happened during her trial. The piano music was great and it kinda reminded me of the climactic end scenes in The Godfather movies.

Tyrion -- His beard is so bushy now. He is still my favourite.

Margaery -- I don't care very much about her as a character, but I think that it's too bad she was killed off. She was very smart and calculating -- I'm guessing they had to write her off before she could become very, very formidable later on.

And that's it for this blog! Thanks for reading :)

One more blog left -- and then another blog discussing my own ideas of how Season 8 might end. But next week I might blog about something else first.

If you have any thoughts about Season 1-6, even disagreements, feel free to comment. But PLEASE keep any comments within Season 1-6! If you really need to speak about something from the later seasons, please mark it somehow. It's not really for me, but for anybody else who may be reading this entry and are not yet caught up with all the seasons. There's also a comment/message box to the right and those messages should be sent to me directly.

Take care and until the next entry! :)

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