
Saturday 30 March 2019

BLOG -- Ideas/Theories on How Game of Thrones Season 8 Will End **MAYBE SPOILERS**

This blog will be different from my other Game of Thrones blogs. I am sharing my ideas / theories on how Game of Thrones Season 8 will end. This is NOT an overall thoughts / overview on Season 8 -- 'cuz Season 8 hasn't aired yet!

I might -- I'm still thinking about it -- blog about Season 8 once it's done. I think it'd be interesting to compare it against this blog where I'm just guessing things.

BUT -- even though these are only my thoughts / theories on how Game of Thrones Season 8 will end, I'd recommend NOT reading this unless you are all caught up to Season 7! There could be SPOILERS for the whole series so far (like whichever characters I mention would just spoil that they've survived to Season 7). So... please don't read unless you have watched Season 7!

For my thoughts on Seasons 1-7:
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5
Season 4
Season 3 
Season 2
Season 1

First -- I have to mention that whatever thoughts / theories I have, it would be based off what was actually shown in the TV series (that I could remember). One of my friends mentioned a couple theories that Brandon is actually the Night King and that Brandon assumed The Mad King's spirit to make him say "Burn them all", actually meaning to burn all the White Walkers. While I guess those theories could be possible... the TV series didn't show any indication of Brandon doing either of those things so I won't be considering them when thinking of how the series will end.

I'm very aware that Game of Thrones is unpredictable -- especially with Season 8 being the last season -- so I'm going to share a few different ending ideas: my ideal ending, a more likely ending, an alternate, very unlikely ending, and the "screw you" ending. 

My Ideal Ending
My ideal ending is, of course, one where all that characters I like are still alive. So... Jon, Tyrion, Daenerys, Arya, Sansa, Brandon, Jaime, Brienne, Podrick, Jorah, Grey Worm, Missandei, Tormund, Davos, Samwell, Gilly, Sam, Yara, Varys (I think that's everyone). I would love for them all to be alive. It would be extra awesome if Syrio Forel came back (he "died" off-screen so the possibility of him being alive exists!).

The White Walkers would be destroyed. 

Cersei would step down from the Iron throne, wanting to focus on having her child, and Jaime would join her.

The one who sits on the Iron Throne would be either Jon or Daenerys. Either one is fine, and the other would just stand by their side. This means I hope Jon and Daenerys will marry and carry on with the Targaryen line.

Euron would be overthrown so that Yara can be the ruler of the Iron Islands. I guess Theon could be by Yara's side, but it doesn't really matter to me if he's alive or not.

Melisandre and Bron can live or die -- I don't particularly care. I used to like Bron, when he was chummy with Tyrion, but not anymore.

A More Likely Ending
There would be way more character deaths, hahaha...

I still think the one to win the Iron Throne would be either Jon, Daenerys, or... maybe even nobody (there would be one person standing, but he or she would be so mortally wounded that they only make it to sitting on the Iron Throne and then die soon afterwards). Between Jon or Daenerys, one would get the Iron Throne; the other would die -- either in battle or sacrificing themselves to save the other ('cuz I believe they love each other). As much as I would like them to have a happy future together, I don't see it happening... unless Melisandre shows up to revive the person.

I don't really see Cersei and Jaime surviving to the end. Jaime could fall in battle... or maybe even Cersei kills him if she thinks he will leave and betray her. Whatever happens, I think there will be a brief moment where Cersei will feel very alone -- and that loneliness could overtake her -- or Arya will swoop in and kill her. Actually, as long as Arya is alive, Cersei and Jaime's fates will be sealed.

The White Walkers will be destroyed, but they will probably take down many characters with them.

If Melisandre's prophecy is correct, both Melisandre and Varys will die after playing whatever parts they have to play. 

Tyrion... I would love for him to live. He is my favourite, after all. I think if he dies, he will go out in a very sad and brutal fashion. And if he lives, it will be within an inch of death. 

I think Arya has a good chance of getting killed off -- just because she is an awesome character, hahaha. Maybe she will end up dueling against Brienne while try to kill Jaime and lose. Maybe she will don the face of somebody and infiltrate her way into enemy territory but then gets caught / found out.

Sansa might have a very, very slim chance of getting the Iron Throne if Cersei, Jon, and Daenerys all fall. I imagine Sansa will stay in Winterfell, defending against the White Walkers, so she might be in the safest position.

Anybody I didn't mention -- well, I think half of them will die, in one way or another. Except for maybe Brandon, Gilly, and Sam (not Samwell) -- I think they might still live.

An Alternate, Very Unlikely Ending
This isn't exactly an ending, but an idea that maybe Melisandre will play a huge part in Season 8. Maybe she mass revives a bunch of fallen characters or unleashes a lot of dark magic that could turn the tide in the battle against the White Walkers.

I just think... that it'd be hilarious / outrageous to have many viewers begrudgingly shift their opinion of Melisandre from most hated character (she endorsed having a child burned alive!) to somebody worthy of respect.

And then Samwell Tarly gets the Iron Throne. Or somebody who's equally unlikely.

The "Screw You" Ending
Everybody dies. The White Walkers win. I don't think this ending would EVER happen... because I think too many viewers would get pissed off!

And that's it! Thanks for reading :) To anybody who read through all my Game of Thrones entries and are still here, thank you sooooooo much!!

What are your ideas / theories on how Season 8 will go down? :) If you have anything to say, feel free to comment!

Take care and until tomorrow for my monthly recap blog (if my computer is still alive)! :)

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